Evil Genius Woman, Thrifty Mom's Diet progress slider

Friday, October 23, 2009

SC State Fair 2009

Well, after a sucktacular couple of weeks full of Swine Flu, a broken (TWICE) heater, a crappy birthday (mine) and more bills than I had the money to pay, we had the State Fair.  I had bought the tickets and ride coupons way in advance (I AM the Thrifty Mom, after all) and we went last night.

Going to the state fair with no money is sort of depressing, but the kids had a ball and that is ALL that counts:

Daddy and Bitty Girl doing Cheesy Grins and THCTD looking lovely.

Fiver, Boy, and Bulk

Left to right: Bulk, Boy, THCTD, and Bitty on one of the most popular rides of the day.

Fiver and Bulk, not to big to enjoy one of the classics.

We stayed for hours - longer than we ever have with the kids - and still missed a bunch of the sites. But we all ate and the babies rode the rides and we were pretty tired and happy at the finish.

Oh and FWIW, just between you and me and the goal post, the new parking is the stupidest waste of space and money I have ever seen. It's inefficient and impractical. Gamecock Money Making Machine FAIL.
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