Evil Genius Woman, Thrifty Mom's Diet progress slider

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Quick catch-up over here. too

Apologies for not posting for so long. I posted a short explaination over on the Thrifty Mom blog.

So, the financial news sucks, but the diet news is much better.

I'm down to 168lbs, that's over 150lbs lost. I read about a theory that when a person is on a high fat diet, such as mine, that any excess protein can trigger an insulin response and stall weightloss. I decided to try cutting back my protein, and upping my fat, and, obviously, have had a good response to it!

I'm also doing strength training 4 times a week (crunches, squats, push-ups, free weights) and, by golly, my thighs are getting pretty muscle-y!  LOL!

But here's the best part for anyone who has followed me on my low-carbohydrate diet journey then onto the Paleolithic diet WOE, I went to the doctor for my annual check-up.  It was a blast.

These folks hadn't seen me since my six week post partum (this is my OB I'm talking about, here) check up and I weigh 155lbs LESS now. Also, after getting all the girly stuffs (oh, how we look forward to the boob squishing!) out of the way, I requested that my BP and cholesterol be taken.

Well, my blood pressure was fine and my cholesterol was 136. ONE THIRTY SIX. That's 10pts lower than it's ever been in my life!  Bodog, whom I put on low carb as soon as he came home from hospital, has seen his BP and cholesterol sink to normal.

After eight months of eating fat, meat, eggs, cheese, butter, and v. limited green veg, my cholesterol has IMPROVED.  I would love to have had the whole profile done, but, alas, it costs too much.  Perhaps next year when I've been eating paleo for 20 months.

Right. That's all I have to report today. I'll keep you updated on the diet, the financial situation, etc. Please feel free to join us on the Evil Genius Woman forums where we have a small (so far) but enthusiastic community of dieters.

Also please check out my newest website The Thrifty Mom Dot Com, your one-stop source for all things parenting, dieting, and snarky!  We'll be showcasing our new diet/foodie t-shirts and gifts there soon.
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posted by MrsEvilGenius at


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the continued weight loss and stellar blood work. I'm wondering if you relayed the details of your "diet" to the folks in the doctor's office; "dazed and confused" comes to mind.

May 1, 2009 at 7:10 AM  

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